Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Discuss process philosophy and theology

Theology finds its scholars pursuing the understanding of and providing reasoned discourse of religion, and God. The beginning of the word theology came from late Middle English, and only was applying to Christianity.

Theologians use rational analysis and argument to understand, explain, critique, defend or promote any religious topic. The word theology has classical Greek origins, but was given new senses when it was taken up in both Greek and Latin form by Christians authors. The word theology originated in Ancient Greece. Theology come from a Greek word which means study of God, and is simply humanity’s attempt to understand God as He is revealed in the Word of God.

God is infinitely an eternally higher than we are. In consequence, theology is a science, an attempt to present want we can know and understand about God in an organized and understandable manner.

Also, the word of theology comes from telos, which means purpose or goal. The theological argument applies to the whole universe. If designs imply a designer, and the universe telling, and showing us marks of design, then the universe was created. Literally hundreds of conditions are required for life on earth, everything from the mass density of the universe must be tuned in order for life. The Theology has been used to demonstrate God’s existence, and He was the intelligent design of the whole universe.

In other order of ideas, theology study God’s manifestations and in the Bible is tangible to the human sense. The Bible confirms visible manifestations of God in the Old Testament. God in the Scripture is almighty God. Paul says that even Gentiles unbelievers knew God but did not honor Him as God or give thanks to Him. Also Paul recognizes that sin will cause people to deny knowledge of God, and those who do this are without excuse for this denial of God.

Also, traditional proofs for the existence of God that have been constructed by Christian and non-Christian philosophers at various points in history are in fact attempts to analyze God’s evidence, especially from the evidence from nature, in extreme careful and logically precise ways, in order to help, and persuade people that it is not rational to reject the idea of God’s existence.

Theology helps to understand that God is the creator of the universe and His creation is in God’s control. The universe itself must have a cause, and the cause of such great universe can only be God. A powerful creator has created the universe.

Christian theology is the study of what the Bible teaches and what Christian believes. The Bible teaches us that God inspires the Bible. Process theology is based the philosophy that the only absolute which exists in the world is change. Therefore, God too is constantly changing. The Bible argues against this view Psalm 33:11 The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of His heart from generations to generations, and James 1:17 Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow. How I mentioned, the Bible expresses many attributes, qualities and characteristic of God. This include His holiness, sovereignty, unity, omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence, self-existence, eternally, immutability, perfection, infinity, truth, love, righteousness, faithfulness, mercy, graciousness, justice, just, and freedom.  God uses these in the world and actively exercise all of these today. God is the same. God transcends all of His creation, and He is personal and knowable. Process theology denies the deity of Jesus Christ, saying that Jesus has no intrinsic difference from other men. Additionally, the humanistic philosophy of process theology teaches that human being, or mankind does not require salvation.

It is not doubt, that the Scriptures teach that Jesus Christ is God.

Process theology is a school of thought influenced by the metaphysical process philosophy. Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy concerned with explained the ultimate nature of reality, being and the world.

Process theologians dislike the doctrine of God’s immutability because they think it implies that nothing we do can really matter to God. Process theology often mistakenly accuses evangelical Christians of believing in a God who does not act in the world, or who cannot respond differently to different situations. Once again, Scripture is clear that our ultimately significance comes not from being able to change the being of God, but from the fact that God has created us for His Glory and tha He counts us as significant. Other error in process theology, God is not omnipotent in the sense of being coercive.

God is infinite and personal. He does not has any human limitations and of creation in general. He is greater than anything that exists. He interacts with us as a person. We can talk with Him through pray, worship Him, obey Him, and show our love to Him, in many different ways. Also, He can speak to us, rejoice in us and love us. He loves us that He sent His only begotten Son to take our place at Calvary. He pays very big and ultimate price. The big error of process theology, the universe is characterized by process and change carried out by the agents of free will.

God is characterized by a sovereign will, and we are made in the image of God our wills are reflections of His, like little strings which can be detached from the overall chord and temporally reattached into additions, images, ambiguous ideas, relationships, or any form of idolatry. The logo is the highest level of God’s will. The Logos is the reference of everything else, so it is free from dichotomy

Some implications the only way to escape is through the light of Jesus. He is the Son of God. The apostle mentioned that Salvation only can be reach by Jesus, and He is the mighty hope for mankind. The biblical teaching about Jesus could be summarize Jesus was fully God and fully man in one person, and will be so forever. He was without sin.

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